“We don’t just sing, we are the song” justifiably explains the universality of singing and the sustainability of life through singing. If one can speak, one can sing too. Singing is nothing other than sustained speech. To learn how to sing in a pleasant-singing voice, one needs to learn to calibrate the balance between taking and speaking through various regular exercises. Mississauga Piano Studios’ singing instructors help beginners cultivate their singing voices so that they can sing their hearts out the right way without damaging their vocal cords.
Some expert-approved critical vocal techniques to sound better than ever by our music teachers:
- Warm-up before singing: Before beginning any vocal lessons, our teacher suggests every student do humming as a warm-up to prevent vocal strain and tension in the tone. All you have to do is put your lips together and hum while creating a buzzing sensation in your lips. Repeat this step several times until this becomes automatic and creates a relaxed sound, and then drop your jaw slowly to form “ah” to start singing. Now repeat the same process with an “ee” sound by bringing your lips to a smiling position to hum “ee”. This technique relieves all the tensions around the lips, tongue, and jaw area while singing.
- Being vigilant about the posture: The posture is the step that makes all the difference in all of the techniques. Try standing feet hips distance apart, spine elongated with shoulders relax down, chest and ribcage lifted and the head balanced adobe the spine along with the chin leveled with the ground.
- Grab a bottle of room temperature water: Having plenty of room temperature water before singing will help the vocal cords remain hydrated throughout the singing process. Avoid cold water as they restrict vocal folds.
- Dropping the jaw for a more confident voice: No matter how self-conscious you feel, a generous mouth opening is needed for the sound to come out properly to prevent it from sounding suppressed. By opening your mouth as big as you can, a more robust sound will come out. But make sure not to open your mouth too broad to create tension. An exercise to try is to take a mirror sing the following words in a relaxed tone to observe the openness of the mouth: hot, brought, not, fall, hall, tall, talk, walk, father, stars, bars, far.
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- Breath control: With proper belly breathing and diaphragmatic breathing, your singing sound will be powerful and pleasant as it rides on air. If you are breathing using the upper portion of the lung, you will run out of air faster and your voice will sound breathy and weak. During singing lessons for beginners, we teach students to inhale by inflating around the waistline to enhance their present voice, extend their vocal range, sing with vibrato, and project their voice.
- Working toward the high notes: To acquire space, the vocal cords need to be trained to stretch and thin out so that vibration is created from them to create high notes. Just relax and lift the soft palate and drop the jaw to sing high notes. If it gets too high, try singing through a straw or using a lip trill to get some helpful back pressure on your vocal folds.
Better singing requires persistence, practice, motivation, and self-belief. Mississauga Piano Studios offers excellent singing lessons for beginners so that you can chart your musical career the right way and preserve your singing voice in the process too. For a music school near me in Canada, join our website for more information regarding vocal lessons.