So you have mastered the piano and are ready to take the piano exam? Congratulations. But with the excitement of becoming a maestro, there’s also the pressure of passing the piano exam. Even after all the piano lessons you have taken from your piano instructor, there’s a fear somewhere that can intimidate you. The best music school can teach you how to play the piano, but you have to give the exam yourself.
Worrying before your piano exam is normal. You may feel that everything that you have learned would go down the drain. Or you may dread that even a single note here and there would cost you grade points.
Taking a piano exam can be stressful. Don’t worry – in this article, we will provide a few tips that can help you take the exam in peace. By keeping these things in mind, you’ll be able to give your piano exam with a clear head. Here are 6 things you need to keep in mind and discuss with your piano instructor to pass with flying colours in your exam.

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6 Things to keep in mind for the piano exam
If you have taken the piano lessons with complete focus, your work is half done. You don’t have to worry about anything. Even your piano instructor knows that you’ll be okay and clear the exam. But you can also use the following 6 tips, in case you are too stressed about the exam –
1. Say no to over-practice
Last-minute practice leads to a lot of resistance. The best music school would also suggest you avoid over-practicing a day before the exam.
Practice once or twice a day before and on the morning of your exam – and no more than that. You can practice the head fingers, shapes, and playing patterns while waiting for your turn.
2. Be prepared
Even though you should not over-practice, it is good to be prepared for whatever comes your way. Try to play your pieces well and don’t stress about it too much.
Don’t overthink about making mistakes because losing a mark or two would not make any difference to your entire performance. Even if you make a mistake, you can continue with the piece as you played it during practice.
3. Try play-through
It is always beneficial to try play-throughs and practice in front of a live audience. You can practice discomfort by asking friends or family to come and watch you play.
You’d receive real-time feedback and will also learn how to perform in front of other people as well. You should come out of your comfort zone rather than feel scared of taking your piano exam.

Piano Instructor
4. Revisit the technicalities
The piano instructor who is taking your exam might ask you questions about the technicalities of the instrument. It is always important to know the different notes, arpeggios, scales, and everything else that the piano has to offer.
Knowing the technicalities will help you better understand the piano and ensure that you can fix any problem that may arise with the set.
5. Sing along
If you want to sing along on the piano, try doing that. It will build up your confidence and ensure that all your piano lessons were worth the effort.
Singing is also an interesting thing to combine with the piano. Singing and humming along your pieces would put you in a good groove and provide the beats for the performance.
6. Breathe & relax
The most significant step is to breathe and relax. You should not be too stressed about the piano exam. If you have practiced the piano lessons well, then you have nothing to worry about.
Resting is important as fear might lead to hand movements and shaking of the fingers. Take a deep breath just before the exam and relax a while to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the piano exam.
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